Policy PDPA

Customer and Other Interested Party Privacy Notice

Pacific Sunrise Holding Co., Ltd. (“PSH”, “the company” , “we” or “us”) gives the highest priority to the protection of the personal data of the Customers and Other Interested Parties (collectively referred to as “you”), and in order for you to ensure that we will protect and manage your personal data in accordance with the laws concerning personal data protection, we then established this Privacy Notice for your acknowledgment of detail of the processing of personal data, whether it be the collection, use, and disclosure (called “Data Processing”), that may be occurred including your rights under the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 effective on 1 June 2022, and our contact channels.

1. What is personal data?
Personal Data is any other data that identifies yourself (no matter whether it can be identified by itself, or together with other information) e.g. name, surname, age, address, gender, occupation, nationality, telephone number, ID card number, passport and visa information, bank account, driver’s license, e-mail, Line id, social media account, salary, GPS location, cookies website, picture, video/voice record from CCTV, emergency contact, car license, workplace and contact information, etc.
Sensitive Data is Personal Data relating to racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, data concerning a natural person’s sex life, criminal record, data concerning health, disabilities, biometric data, etc.
Personal Data Owner is a natural person who owns personal data for which the company processes personal data.
Customer and Other interested party are natural persons who have any direct or indirect contact, interaction, activity, transaction, and/or contract with the company such as a specialist or consultant, shareholders, directors, or persons with authority to act on behalf of the Company, customer/sales representative/partners/vendors of the company including employees, attorneys or agents who have liaison with the company
Data Processing is any activities related to personal data or sensitive data e.g. store, copy, manage, keep,
update, change, use, recover, disclose, send, announce, transfer, collect, delete, destroy, etc.

2. Personal and Sensitive Data Processing
You acknowledge that under the purposes of conducting contact, interaction, activities, transactions, and/or any contract between you and the Company (“Activities”), the Company may process your personal data.
We need to correctly, completely, and sufficiently receive your personal information to perform the obligations under the job application, Contract, regulations, internal rules, and/or our operating rule and/or performance under applicable law. If we did not correctly, completely, and sufficiently receive your personal information, it may result in the delay or any inconvenience of our performance under the Contract or rule binding between the company and Candidate or Employee or Other interested parties. In case of necessity, we may reject any obligations to the Candidate or Employee or Other interested parties to comply with the terms in the Contract and applicable laws.
However, we respect your right and will process Personal Data and Sensitive Data based on legitimate purposes. The company has NO purpose or policy for collecting, using, or disclosing your personal or sensitive data (such as nationality, religion) other than the above purposes.
We will strictly and properly implement the Personal Data security measure and be compliant with Privacy Policy to protect your Personal Data or Sensitive Data from any loss, destroying, modifying, accessing, or disclosing without permission or legality following Privacy Policy and IT Standard.

If there is any change and/or adding to the purpose of processing e.g. processing based on contract or lawful basis etc., we will inform you of the new purpose via Administration, poster announcement, or e-mail. We will record such changes for evidence. In addition, we may request your consent before processing any activities for new purposes (if consent is required by law).

3. We process your Personal Data restrictively
We will restrictively process your Personal Data and Sensitive Data by using the legitimate and fair method and within the scope of the specified objective.
Other than the specified objective, we will obtain your consent before processing Personal Data; unless
– It is required or obliged by-laws; It is beneficial to you, given that it is impossible to obtain your consent at that time; It is necessary for executing or performing under the agreement; It is under the legitimate interest of the company or any other person or any entity; It is beneficial to your or someone else’s life, health or security; It is for a purpose of investigation of an officer or judicial process of the court; It is beneficial for research or statistics preparation.
In case of necessity, we may collect your Sensitive Data for a purpose of the Contract, performing regarding the Contract and other agreements as related to employment. We however will not collect your Sensitive Data which is adverse to your reputation or discriminating; unless
– You give consent to us; It is required by-laws; It is beneficial to you, given that it is impossible to obtain your consent at that time; It is beneficial to your or someone else’s life, health, or security which data subject cannot give consent whatever reason; It is for a purpose of investigation of an officer or judicial process of the court;
We may store your Personal Data together with your Personal Data that we have received from other sources and may request your consent (in case consent is required by law) for the abovementioned purpose, for updating Personal Data, or improving our services.

4. We may disclose your Personal Data to Data Processor or any authorities as required by-laws
– In order to perform the obligation of the job application, Contract, and/or other agreement as related to the abovementioned objective, we may transfer or disclose your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data to the data processor, the third party who is the advisor or service provider located both inside and outside country.
-We may store your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data through a computer and document control system which is controlled by Administration.
-We may disclose your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data to the company group, our affiliate, internal and external audit, Revenue Department officer, or any other office as required by relevant laws.

5. Your participation as Personal Data owner
If you would like to know how we process your Personal Data or Sensitive Data, you can send an email to info@meiseielec.co.th When we receive your email, we will feedback to you on the existence or the detail of your Personal Data within an appropriate time.
You have the right to check the existence of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data, the type, and the user objective. In addition, you also have the right to:
(1) Request a copy or a certified copy of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data;
(2) Request to make a change or correct your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data;
(3) Request to suspend the use or the disclosure of your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data;
(4) Request to erase or destroy your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data;
(5) Request to disclose the method of obtaining your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data for the case in which your consent has not been made;
(6) Request to cancel your consent which you have previously made;
(7) Request to transfer your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data to another data controller;
(8) Contact us or any relevant authorities, if necessary;
(9) Compliant us or Data Processor or our/its employee or our/its service provider in case such person did not comply with Applicable Personal Data Protection Law.
If we process your Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data based on Contract, legitimate interest, or legal obligation basis, we reserve our right to refuse your right in (3) and (4).
Please note that if you choose to exercise your right in (3) (4) and (6), we will not be able to perform the obligations under the contract which might result in Contract termination and/or the inability to provide the welfare to you.

6. Period of Personal Data processing
We reserve our right to process and disclose your Personal Data and your Sensitive Data and any relevant authorities as required by laws, retention period is 10 years from the expiration date of the Relating Contract.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We review this Privacy Notice regularly and may reserve the right to make changes at any time to take account of changes in our services, operation, and your suggestion. We will either notify or send a notice to you regarding the change of this Privacy Policy before making any change. You can check with the
Administration Department of the company, poster announcement, or e-mail. If it is necessary to request
your consent, we will proceed to request additional consent from you.
For your personal data and sensitive data that the company received or maintained before 1 June 2022, we will remain the Data Processing there offer the same purposes. In case you do not want us to do so, you may exercise your right as per the Privacy Policy mentioned above.

How to contact us:
If you have any questions about our compliance with PDPA, our privacy policy, or if you wish to access or correct the Personal Data we hold about you, please contact us at:
Address: 141/26 Sakulthai Surawong Tower, 18th floor, Surawong Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak Bangkok 10500
Call: 662-237 5880 /
Email: info@meiseielec.co.th
We will respond to your complaint or request in a timely manner if you provide your contact details. We take all complaints seriously and are committed to a quick and fair resolution. We will not take the fact that you have made a complaint into consideration when we perform any of our other functions or activities.
We will not charge you any fees in dealing with your request regarding your Personal Data under this Data Privacy Policy. However, there may be a charge involved for us to process a request under PDPA that goes beyond a request regarding your Personal Data.
This Addendum shall become effective for June 01, 2022.
Each party has caused its duly authorized representative to execute this Addendum on the date written above.